Sunday, December 27, 2009


Anybody who has ever done graffiti quickly learns to appreciate the value of a “LANDMARK” -that is, the struggle to get your work to last anywhere in the street. Here in LA if you can get something to run for more than a month it is a achievement worthy of celebration. In London it is possibly more so since the buff is vigilant and very well-funded. One of the “Golden rules” in graffiti is to respect your elders; foremost by not going over them… Particularly in the extremely rare scenario where something has lasted nearly 3 decades(the graffiti equivalent to a UFO sighting) -I would assume Banksy would be aware of this rule, and respect it considering his roots lie in traditional graffiti… Apparently not.

I first came across this story via 12ozPROPHETS twitter, courtesy of MARE139’s blog on 12oz… It seems the story has been removed from thar site for some reason. Thats why i am posting it here.

Banksy here went over a “ROBBO” piece, Robbo was a pioneer of london graffiti in the mid-80’s and he painted this piece in the Regents canal in Camden in 1985. Somehow this piece had managed to stay up all of these last 25 years… That was until Banksy decided to go over it.

The original wall by Robbo painted in 1985…

Banksy’s major fumble…

Robbo takes back his spot…

snatched from revoks blog.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Ghostvillage Project

The Ghostvillage Project was created over 3 days on the west coast of Scotland. 6 artists - Timid, Remi/Rough, System, Stormie Mills, Juice 126, Derm - were given free reign to paint in an abandoned 1970s village. Working together on huge collaborative walls and individually in hidden nooks and crannies all over the site the artists realised long held dreams and were inspired by the bleakness and remoteness of the site. Drawing on the history of the village the artists' stated intent on completion of the project was to populate the ghostvillage with the art and characters that it deserved.

Find out more at:

Monday, December 21, 2009


Organized by the L.A. ART MACHINE and curated by Bryson Strauss, VOX HUMANA is a live art performance by legendary Los Angeles street artists Mear One, Kofie, Retna, and El Mac that will take place during the L.A. Art Show, January 20 - 24, 2010.

Using on large-scale canvases, the artists will begin their work on January 20 and will paint live each day from noon to 6 PM. Using acrylic and aerosol paints, Retna and El Mac will collaborate on a canvas that is 12 x 24 feet, while Kofie and Mear One will work independently on 12 x 12 foot canvases. Los Angeles Art Show attendees are invited to witness the completion of the works on Sunday, January 24, 2010 at 2 PM, and participate in a closing celebration.

While much attention has recently been given to street artists in the fine art world with the rise in celebrity of Shepard Fairey, Banksy, and Gajin Fujita, VOX HUMANA marks the first time that a top-tier art fair has recognized, and celebrated the evolution, power, and artistic integrity of street artists in a such a bold and public manner. The L.A. Art Show is making history.

What originated in the U.S. as the 'tag' has evolved into one of the most sophisticated and challenging forms of contemporary art. This event recognizes the talents of these four artists while celebrating the historic journey and enduring nature of graffiti art, from the caves of Lascaux to the spas of Pompeii and from the streets of Los Angeles to the walls of galleries around the world.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

This weekend @ Bo Bridges Gallery Hermosa beach

I'll be here both weekend days with new cavnas and matted prints.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009